How to get ride of warts and moles

How to get ride of warts and moles

Do you have a mole or wart on your skin and do not want your Doctor to remove it by freezing it or remove it surgically ? It will leave a scar for sure .
Sometimes they are on your face in a place where it is very hard to have it removed .
There is a way you can remove the wart or mole with no pain , no surgery , no freezing ...let nature help you out here .

Things You'll Need:

all you need to do is find the Dandelion flower , and they are not so hard to find , as they are weeds , they are not very picky where they want to grow !


pick the flower and use the milky sap that comes out of the stem of the flower and put that on your mole or wart .
Use a fresh flower every time you use it .


Use a fresh flower 3 times a day , for 7 days , and it will amaze you that the ugly mole or wart will be gone .


I used it myself on a wart I had just above my eye .
It's no longer there !!!!

Tips & Warnings

The flower needs to be fresh every time you use it .

There are no warnings needed for the use of this wild flower .

It's very safe .